613 800 1851 info@kesca.ca

After looking at the various inspection checklist you will see that there are missing questions from the checklists that could support the industry

There are not enough educated contractors to offer kitchen exhaust cleaning a minimum of twice a year

We need the support of the fire, health, building inspectors and bylaw officer

Refer to the inspection checklist with missing questions that could also support our industry.

Become a Member:  Be a part of a community committed to excellence in kitchen exhaust cleaning. Our members gain valuable opportunities and support to thrive in the industry.

Get Certified: Elevate your business by achieving KESCA certification. Showcase your dedication to quality and safety, gaining the trust of your clients. See thermometer program to make budgeting for a complete range of preventative maintenance services

Service Referrals:  Connect with potential customers through our service referral program. Expand your reach and grow your business with KESCA. As a certified member being food service industry take advantage of our service referral program

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or ready to get involved!